Sunday 24 March 2019

Back to Black KYLIE MIRO

And that Sun shadowed by your shining splendor ,
eclipsing the burning Moon and
her reflections

The stars announce the beginning of the night...
 and the darkness .

Your body secretes the sap that seduces  all of them,
your belly is the source of warm sweetness of the nectar.

I  give in  to  the scents of passion in silence
and the rumor of the whispering  creek
remind me that  your skin...

is the perfect goal of my destiny


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Gracias por tu visita y aportacion.
    Te lo agradezco mucho
    Cuidate mucho

  3. hola Javier Pasaba me quede pensando y mirando lo que escribiste No entiendo mucho saludos
