Monday, 30 December 2019


"This is not normal

Thoughts and prayers are not enough. 

Now more than ever our leaders must step up! 

We must organise, we must fight for real action on climate change. 

Our future depends on it!"



This season’s bush fires in eastern Australia have killed eight people and destroyed more than 820 homes in New South Wales.

The scale of the area burned by the fires is immense, with at least 3.65m hectares burned or currently burning in NSW and Queensland, based on the most recent figures available. (Significant areas that have burned in other states are not included in this data.)

Bush fires have accounted for over 800 deaths in Australia since 1851 and the total accumulated cost is estimated at $1.6 billion.

This year the figures are reaching 2,180 Buildings destroyed: ‎> 2,180 and more than six fatalities

Contemplating this inferno , how do you feel about the Australian government spending billions in military operations overseas

Spending billions killing people in other countries to please United States of America.

Killing people to please a President under impeachment who declare economic war to our principal economic partner.

A President who declare economic war to China but at the same time close a deal with them for 50 billion dollars in agricultural commodities.

50 billion less for our farmers to penetrate to Chinese markets

We are spending billions to fight a war for our economic competitors that closing deals with our main partner on our expenses .

Wouldn’t make sense to start thinking/proposing the possibility to finally start bringing our troops home. Save billions of dollars in a nonsense war and put the defense force to serve our people who suffering the worst attack and treat in the last years.

Wouldn’t make sense to use their resources , capability and expertise to fight the worst terrorist enemy in humanity “The climate change and their catastrophic consequences”.

Wouldn’t be great to see our defense forces spraying water from their planes. Helping to bring water to remote places, digging channels , planting trees ,fighting the fires hand to hand with the firefighters.

Of course we are not going to see this initiative coming from the bastards holidaying in Miami, leaving the market and the invisible hand taking care of our natural disasters, showing off with pride some financial figures of virtual surplus when the gap between the poor and the rich is reaching third word indicators

Personally I am loosing my hope in the old farts of the Labour party terrified of losing 1 or 2 points in the polls , in capable of taking the challenge of leadership in the way the great figures we had in the party.

My only question is why you are not taking the risk and lead this country to show a direction that will allow us to leave being in the one of the last positions in the ladder of the environment poor performers and reformulate the country and re position in the role of leading the nations in all this matters.

Yours sincerely

Monday, 25 November 2019

La Mimo

Daniela Carrasco.

Artista callejera chilena.

Se la vio con vida por última vez cuando se la estaban llevando los carabineros .
Apareció ahorcada, con signos de haber sido violada y torturada.
La colgaron de una reja en un parque.
"La Mimo".
Otra víctima de este régimen asesino.

El hallazgo del cadáver de una mujer identificada luego como una artista callejera, colgado de una reja de la comunidad Pedro Aguirre, al sur de Santiago, conmovía a Chile en las últimas horas.
Se trata de Daniela Carrasco, de 36 años a quien conocían como ‘La Mimo’, quien fue vista por última vez mientras un grupo de carabineros la detenía.
El Sindicato Nacional Interempresa de Actores y Actrices de Chile (Sidarte) y los integrantes de Ni Una Menos, exigieron justicia para aclarar las circunstancias en la que murió Daniela Carrasco.
"El Estado de Chile debe responder y transparentar la participación de fuerza policial en su muerte. Estamos consternados y exigimos justicia", expresó el gremio de artistas en un comunicado publicado en Twitter.

Canción dedicada a Daniela Carrasco "la mimo" artista callejera chilena. La última vez que se la vio con vida era detenida por los carabineros. Luego más tarde la encontraron muerta, ahorcada, colgada de una reja de un parque #Chile🇨🇱 .

 Txua desde España le rinde homenaje como símbolo de mujer luchadora .

Daniela hasta siempre compañera
haremos ruido por ti
Como mimos entre rejas
Daniela en las plazas siempre llenas
 desde chile hasta Madrid
gritando sólo por ti
abrió la boca rompió el silencio y como a Jara ...
 cortaron sus palabras
Daniela por siempre
Daniela símbolo de la palabra
El mimo que nunca calla
Ella es Santiago que desmaquilla
su silencio con lágrimas
por la opresión que cambia al mundo con sus gestos
y con su inmenso dolor.
 Usa el grito como arma
como arma que no dispara
Daniela por siempre Daniela
simbolo de la palabra
El mimo que nunca calla

Wednesday, 6 November 2019



Thinking of you... knowing my foolishness  will be exhausted when…
I touch you , measuring proportions of your nudity.

Following your scent …

looking for acceptance in your sighs

 I see you
Pouring dewdrops of enjoyment while …
Your eyes concentrates the  integrations of the light into your glass.

Tempting you... To perceive the lofty brilliance of your incandescent soul.

Slowly leading you towards the mystery of the zenit,  and delirium while...

the silence of my iris grows astonished in disbelief, under the spell of your magnificent splendour
of your urgent pleasure.

I fail without greed to the minimal expression of my selfishness.

To know you... trembling your inevitable thirst

Being humble witness of the sunset in your fragrance from …
the primitive intimate glimpses of your body.

Looking for you hopelessly in the imperceptible details that...

exponentially exaggerated by your absence, 

 today they subjugate me.


Recently published in the antologia :

Cien poemas de amor y desamor

Monday, 23 September 2019


They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
With a pink hotel, a boutique
And a swinging hot spot
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got til its gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
They took all the trees
And put 'em in a tree museum
And they charged the people
A dollar and a half to seem 'em

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Back to Black KYLIE MIRO

And that Sun shadowed by your shining splendor ,
eclipsing the burning Moon and
her reflections

The stars announce the beginning of the night...
 and the darkness .

Your body secretes the sap that seduces  all of them,
your belly is the source of warm sweetness of the nectar.

I  give in  to  the scents of passion in silence
and the rumor of the whispering  creek
remind me that  your skin...

is the perfect goal of my destiny